Add user to Absence module
Posted on September 13, 2023 • 2 min read • 227 wordsHow to add a user to the leave management system of your company
In this section, you will set up the information needed for the system to accurately keep track of a user’s time off. This step is important for managing leaves and time-off requests. The fields to be filled are as follows:
Module Role: Select a role from the dropdown menu. “User” can only submit requests, while “Approval” can review/approve requests and submit them for themselves.
Carry Over: Choose an option from the dropdown menu, allowing users to transfer any remaining paid time off.
2.1 Maximum Carry Over: If the user is allowed to carry over days, you can select the maximum number of days that can be carried over from the previous year.
2.2 Carry Over Duration: Specify the number of months after the year-end during which an employee can use their carry-over days. Any remaining carry-over days after this period will be lost.
Annual PTO (Paid Time Off): Enter the total number of days the user is allowed for paid time off in a year per company policy.
Allow requests exceeding PTO allowance - By selecting this option in the tickbox, the user will be able to request paid time off even if they have none remaining.